Learn About Bees

Drones are specialized for a singular but critical function: ensuring the genetic diversity and growth of honeybee populations.
February 13, 2025

The lifetime of honeybees is dependent on the type of bee and the role that they play within the colony.
February 10, 2025

What should you do if you love honeybees and beekeeping, but for one reason or another, you’re unable to be a beekeeper yourself?
February 7, 2025

Honeybee development time varies by role: worker, drone, or queen.
February 7, 2025

Honeybee colonies reproduce in different ways depending on their needs as a colony.
February 5, 2025

Brand new to learning beekeeping? Have years of experience? Being part of a beekeeping community can offer some great benefits.
February 4, 2025

When temperatures get too low, beekeepers should avoid disturbing the colony and cluster.
January 23, 2025

Beekeeping laws and regulations cover many aspects of beekeeping and may vary by location.
January 22, 2025

With certain precautions, it’s possible to safely enjoy the hobby with a bee sting allergy.
January 20, 2025

Bees buzz with intention. Communication is key when there are so many variables in the life of a honeybee!
January 20, 2025

Born in late summer or early fall, winter bees are built differently! Their bodies develop especially to survive the cold months.
January 17, 2025

In winter, it’s normal for honeybees to relieve themselves near the hive. Learn what is normal and when to be alarmed.
January 15, 2025

Honeybees use a wide array of tactics to see them through the winter, without hibernation. There is also the wonder of winter bees.
January 5, 2025

In our recent Snippet, “Preparing Honeybee Colonies for Winter” we touched on the population changes that occur in a honeybee colony during the fall and...
September 11, 2024

Goals for Becoming a BeekeeperOther than the personal enjoyment and satisfaction that most beekeepers crave, many people have wonderful goals in mind for their hobby...
February 27, 2024

Although as you gain experience there will be a bit less to learn, beekeeping is a hobby where the learning never stops. When you’re first...

Think First. Then Consider Starting BeekeepingThe idea of beekeeping is fascinating to many. The potential for all that glorious honey attracts many. But at PerfectBee we think it’s...
January 14, 2023

For nectar, pollen and water, our bees will travel great distancesHoney bees are like foraging machines! While a single honey bee will make less than...

Whether the holiday season, a birthday or any other time of the year, it's always fun to gift your favorite beekeeper.
November 14, 2022

Despite the short drone lifetime, DCAs are in the same place each yearSome beekeepers are not particularly fond of the drone bee, the male in...

How the Vision of Bees Helps ThemAs with many things bee-related, the way honey bees see the world is remarkable. However, the way they see...

Most people know honey as a sugary and very tasty substance, made from nectar gathered from flowers by honey bees. What many people don’t know...

Who is the patron saint of beekeeping? St Valentine, no less. We can't let that go without a celebration. Here are 9 ways to do...

For any online community, such as PerfectBee Colony, an important factor is exactly how and where members engage with each other. Somewhat over-simplifying a complex...
August 12, 2019

Drone Congregation Areas (DCAs) are a fascinating place where queens kick-start their life of egg laying - and drones end their own.

The events that happen within a beehive are hidden from view. But they shape the miraculous lives of our bees and, through the wonder of...

One of the most profound examples of collaborative groups in nature is the honey bee. Colonies function as a highly intricate and intelligent group, but...

This article is part of the A New Beekeeper's Journal column, which documents the story of Keith Stiles as he builds a keen interest in...

Bees and the EnvironmentFor such small, docile creatures, honeybees have a tremendous impact on our environment and food supply. Pollination of plants provides us with...

More than just the sting and the honey...The sight of their fuzzy yellow and black bodies buzzing around a picnic table is enough to make...

During the summer the hive will most likely be at its peak, with around 20,000-50,000 bees. Most of these bees are called “workers”, infertile females...

Which came first - flower or bee?It’s a good question, and just as hard to answer as the chicken and the egg one. Bees and...

IntroductionSo here we are at the end of Stage 1 of our beekeeping course. Our focus in Stage 1 : Learn About Bees was to set...

Keeping it RealNatural beekeeping has quickly drawn the attention of new beekeepers across the nation. It’s a rare bee class or meeting when the topic...

A common - and occasionally divisive - topicNatural Beekeeping is a stirring and fascinating topics among beekeepers. Though its exact definition is open to some interpretation...

Urban beekeeping. Is there really even such a thing? Why yes, yes there is. And it is on the rise, just like urban farming. People...

Have you ever been stung by a bee?Are bee stings something that has held you back in your beekeeping ventures? Have you ever wondered "What...

Are you a beekeeper with a child right on your heels?If so, you should encourage them!You are probably wondering how? Keeping bees is not the...

April is the cruellest month, breedingLilacs out of dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with the spring rain- T.S. Eliot The Waste LandIntroductionIn April,...

Bees and kids are often not a happy combination. Taught to fear bee stings at a young age, children often erupt with screams and tears...

It's not uncommon for the laymen to harbor a fear of bees. But a little digging shows they are far more docile than many consider.

There are more associations between beekeeping and Easter than you might imagine.

Propolis is more than just that sticky substance that makes it difficult to move your frames – it plays a crucial role in a hive’s...

Although beekeeping is a time-honored tradition, it is constantly evolving and new trends and technology emerging to aide beekeepers - and save the bees.

Just like most intelligent animals, bees communicate with each other. They don’t use words like we do, or clicks like dolphins, but they do have...

As a new beekeeper you have a lot to learn. Beyond old-school books, today we have the benefit of the Internet. But for the most...

Our resident curious beekeeper-to-be, Amy, wonders whether she has all she needs to be a beekeeper, while hoping her history with plants isn't an accurate...

As we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner there are so many things for which we should be grateful - but especially the bees!

How one intrigued, fascinated person is slowing getting drawn into the amazing world beekeeping.