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The Life of Bees
Red Beehive
Do honeybees hibernate?

Bees do not hibernate in the winter. Instead, they use a combination of tactics to…

Why and How Bees Swarm

Two Reasons to SwarmLike us, bees need space in which to live their lives. They…

How Do Bees Make Honey?

The Sweet Taste of Natural HoneyDo you love the taste of natural honey? Not merely…

How Bees Sense and React to Their World

Primed for ActionBees possess an extraordinary array of capabilities in their tiny frames. Whether raising…

How Bees Manage Temperature and Moisture

My beekeeping journey began when I was a teenager in the early 1970s. School and…

Honey bee
How Far Do Bees Forage?

For nectar, pollen and water, our bees will travel great distancesHoney bees are like foraging…

Honeybee Drone
What is a Drone Congregation Area?

Despite the short drone lifetime, DCAs are in the same place each yearSome beekeepers are…

Propolis In Beehive
Inside and Out of the Beehive

The Power of the ColonyHoneybees are fascinating creatures. They collaborate in a way that is…

Bees entering hive
Understanding The Honey Flow

The Rhythm of the SummerThere are few things as satisfying to a beekeeper as the…

Beehives in an apiary
The Mechanics of The Drone Congregation Area

Drone Congregation Areas (DCAs) are a fascinating place where queens kick-start their life of egg…

Beehives in winter
Fat Honeybees and the Winter Cluster

6 Weeks…or 5 Months?What creature has a very short life span in the warm months…

Bees on frames
Sticking Into Propolis

The Third ComponentAsk a non-beekeeper what bees collect when they forage and you will probably…

Bee on white flowers
Why and How Bees Forage

The Travelling BeeBeekeepers are really just supporters of a small society of insects with a…

Macro image of a bee drinking a water drop from a green leaf
The Role of the Worker Honeybee

Small Package, Big DealWe’ve looked at the drone and the queen. Now let’s look at…

Marked Queen bee
The Role of the Queen Honeybee

The Central FigureHave you ever wondered what role the queen really plays within the hive?…

Honeybee Drone
The Role of the Drone Honeybee

Why Drones Are NecessaryHave you ever put much thought into the male honey bee? We…